英语白话大全中关于抱怨的交际白话 Janice:I’d like to see the manager,please.I have a complaint! 珍妮丝:请托,我想看看经理。我抱怨了! Manager:I’m the manager.What seems to be the problem,ma’am? 经理:我是经理。什么似乎是问题,密斯? Janice:Did you haveOEhousekeeping check our room before we check英语在职研究生是印欧语系-日耳曼语族下的说话,由26个字母组合而成,英文字母渊源于拉丁字母,拉丁字母渊源于希腊字母,而希腊字母则是由腓尼基字母演变而来的。ed in? 珍妮丝:在我们解决登机手续之前,您是否有家务治理检查我们的房间? Manager:Why?What is wrong? 经理:为什么呢?哪里纰谬? Janice:The toilet is broken and the water is not running in the shower. 珍妮丝:厕所坏了,淋浴时没有水流。 Manager:What’s your room number?I’m terribly sorry about the inconvenience.We’ll move you into 2002 immediatelyZ.That’s a suite,but we’ll chargethe regular room rate‘.Please accept our apologies. 经理:你的房间号码是若干?对此给您带来的不便,我认为异常抱歉。我们立时把你带到2002房。那是套房,但我们只会收取通俗房间的价格。请接收我们的报歉。 Janice:Certainly.Thanks very much for helping. 珍妮丝:当然。异常感激您的赞助。 Manager:It was my pleasure 经理:很高兴 我有一些不满。 I have a complaint.=I want to complain about something. ★complaint[kEm5pleint]n.抱怨,不满(complain为其动词情势) 我要跟你讲若干遍才行呢? How many times do I have to tell you?=If I’ve told you once,I’ve told you a thousand times. 你不克不及设身处地为我想想吗?Can’t you try putting yourself in my shoes? ○Don't you have any thought for anyone but yourself?除了你本身,你就不替他人想一想吗? 你们这么做是错的。What you are doing is wrong. ○You can’t do this to me.你们不克不及如许对我。 这不公平。 That’s not fair.=It’s unfair. ★fair[fZE]a.公平的,公平的 你们忽视大意,我一点儿也不知足。 I’m not at all pleased by your negligence. ★ne大数据在职研究生指无法在一准时光范围内用惯例软件对象进行捕获、治理和处理的数据集合,是须要新处理模式才能具有更强的决定计划力、洞察发明力和流程优化才能的海量、高增长率和多样化的信息资产。gligence[5ne^lidVEns]n.忽视,粗心 |